So here are a few fun facts about me:
1. My hair grows really fast. Because it grows so fast and because I like change I've cut off my hair 4 times. When I say cut my hairr off, I mean more than 15 inches each time. The first time was in high school, my senior year. I didn't realize it at the time. I went to get my hair trimmed, got 8 or so inches cut off, then went back a few months later for prom, and told the girl, I just want to be able to wear my hair all up for prom (up until this point my hair had always been at my waist), so she chopped another 6 inches off, and low and behold, I got my hair all up. Score! I didn't know about Locks for Love then, but I did find out about them later in life, so the other 3 times I've chopped off my hair, I've made sure to donate my hair.
2003 (Curtis and I had been dating for 2 months or so at this point)
I don't have a before pictures...lost all of my pictures to a hard drive crash, yep,
learned the hardway, back up your back up.
My before picture is from a trip we had just taken to Italy
Really awkward camera angle...ugh, double chin much?
Don't tell the Mr. I posted this picture of him driving...
3. And to round out this Fun Facts Friday, I'm a klutz, I mean 100% klutz. I run into doors, walls (yep walls!). At any given time I'll have bruises on my arms, legs, hips, or knees are the common ones. It's gotten to the point where I'll find a bruise and can't remember where I got it, because I run into thing so often, that I don't even remember running into it. Now that's bad! Perhaps it's because I'm never in the now and always thinking of where I need to go instead of what I'm currently doing. I should work on that...
This weekend I'm headed to the parents house again. Then off with some friends to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. Hopefully Baby Fox doesn't cry the entire time.
Have a great weekend!