Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend of Friends

This weekend was all too short! It seems like I was just leaving work on Friday and then suddenly it was Sunday night and we're getting ready for work today. But it was a great weekend with great friends. It started off the right way by me leaving work at noon to meet up with a friend that I met on the internet. Yep, I met her on a mommy board when we first got pregnant and she was in town from Hawaii and we finally got to meet. It was so nice to met her after talking to her almost everyday for 2.5 years! Her daughter and Baby Fox are about 3 weeks apart.

and our cute kids couldn't have gotten along any better.

Saturday I got to workout and do some errands sans kid and husband, it was an awesome start to my Saturday. I had decided last week that I wanted to make another Thanksgiving dinner, because of my food allergies I wasn't able to eat most of what we had last week, so I decided to make another Thanksgiving dinner. Yum! While I was busy cooking, Mr. decided to take Baby Fox swimming. Gotta love a heated spa.

We invited some friends over go help us celebrate Thanksgiving Part 2. We actually did this last year too, so I guess now that we've done this two years in a row, according Mr. it's a tradition. So expect it again next year. Expect the coming week with pictures of what I made.

And of course our cute kids, they are 10 days apart.

They had another baby 4 months ago, Mr. and I fought over who got to hold the squishy baby newness...It's always awesome to get together with them, we used to live in the same complex but then we both had to go buy houses that are not close enough to each other, boo. Fun fact, we met them because they used to be our orthodontists and then we happen to move into the same apartment complex on the same day and then randomly bought houses the same month a year later and of course then had babies 10 days apart. Talk about fate bringing us together and wanting us to be friends. They are the ones that also got us into snowboarding, which we are forever grateful.

Sunday was fun filled again with more friends. We went to a friends 2nd birthday party. I met this awesome lady and her little lady, when we were new parents trying to find some friends in the area. Our kids are 3 weeks apart.

A picture of them at 3 months old

and now at her second birthday party, time flies by I'm telling ya.

 Then Sunday night we had Baby Fox's Godparents over to help us eat the left overs from the previous day. I forgot to take a picture, darn. OH well, but it was definitely a great weekend full of great friends. We really are so thankful to have such wonderful people in our lives!

Linking up with these fabulous people today

Sami at Sami's Shenanigan's
Dana at Five 30 Three
and Leeann at Join the Gossip
for "Weekend Update"


Faith at Life of Faith
Life with Three Under Three at Monkey's and Tutus
Sarah at The Not uite Military Wife
and Megan at The Mrs.
for "Mommy Moments Blog Hop"