Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy day of love! I went to a MNO and am back and just wanting to wind down, so yes it's 12:30am and I'm still not in bed, should be, but I'm not. Oops, will regret it tomorrow. But I had to share the cute photos I took of the kids.

Back when I just had one kid and had ample amounts of time, I did photo shoots with Baby Fox for each holiday. This was his Valentine's day one, he was 1.5 months old.

Doing the same thing with two kids and a wiggle 5 month old? Not as easy as a 1.5 month old let me tell ya. But here they are...

And then Baby Fox was spent and didn't want anything more to do with pictures...even after several attempts at bribes.

Mr. surprised me with flowers and chocolate covered strawberries (that he dipped himself! Double broiler and all) today, cause he knew I was going to be home from work today and he couldn't surprise me.

See there are strawberries, I just at most of them before I realized I should probably take a picture.

We're getting wild tonight and ordering take out Thai food and hanging with the kids. Boring but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Valentine's Day!