Thursday, March 20, 2014

TBT: House Edition - Stairs

That's right, I'm doing a whole post about our stairs, mostly cause they're pretty much the focal point in our house. When we bought our house Mr. wanted this:

and I wanted new stairs. This post is going to be picture heavy, so get ready!

This is them when we bought them, a small child could definitely fit through the bars, talk about scary!

See the bedroom up there on the right? Yea it was purple...and yes those walls really are that green, and oh there's brown right there too, and some blue and red too, can't forget those colors. What were they thinking?!

Anyway back to our stair reno. I knew I wanted to get iron balusters and wood handrail. One of the companies we worked with had an interactive website where we could design the order of balusters. We looked through a TON of pictures online to try and figure out what we wanted. I finally picked it out and they were a little hesitant with my design, but I told them that's what I wanted, and it turned out perfect!

It was shocking to come home from work that first day and not see any railing.

That's Brian, he's the best woodworker EVER, we also hired him to do the baseboards and other projects around the house.

It's crazy, since our stairs are curved, he had to mold the railing to our stairs, how crazy is that? I wish I had taken a picture of the railing up close, but it's 6 boards glued together and then shaped to our stairs and clamped down, I think he had it clamped down for 3 days.

No railing, crazy

Brian is making our wall-stringer

It was weird walking up the stairs with no hand rail, look at all of those boxes over there...

This was where Brian worked, in our garage, you can see the banister had been molded and is hanging from the garage. Speaking of which, we're fairly certain at one point they were grown marijuana, no joke, there must have been 50 hooks hanging from the ceiling.

They ended up wrapping the beam along with the stationary poles with wood too, it was such  good idea and I'm so glad that they did it!

Starting to look soooo good!

Next comes staining! We had them match our dining room table color, which they did perfectly! Wow it looks so good! I can't wait to see the rest!

See those french doors down there? That's basically the only room we used for 5 months

We also hired the guys to stain our front door and our bathroom cabinets the same color.

Then they put in the balusters or some call them spindles

See how great that beam looks that they wrapped? Else it would just be the white wood beam that was there to begin with, the simple things in life right?

What's missing? Oh right, carpet! It took us a while to pick carpet, but we ended up going with a short haired carpet, mostly because we thought that would look the best on the stairs. We also put that same carpet in our bedroom and the hallway. We put long haired carpet in the kids room and the "man cave"

See the stained front door?

And that's it my friends

We went with a patterned short haired carpet

If you have any questions, just let me know!  Hope you enjoyed this TBT: House Edition. If you missed any click here.

Linking up with Nicole