Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Baby Fox Immitation

I heart this dress so much, I want to wear it all the time! But alas that whole breastfeeding thing doesn't make it easy to wear this dress in public.

Dress - Target, Shoes - Nordstroms (no longer available), necklace - Groopdealz, Bracelets - Groopdealz
 I love how flowy the skirt is. You can't tell, but the floral part is sheer and has a skirt liner that only goes to mid-thigh, so the rest is just free flowing. So comfortable, yet looks put together.

And there is a little cutout in the back, how cute is that?

I was playing kickball with Baby Fox while taking photos. I just really liked this picture.

So here's my random for the day:

Baby Fox is hilarious. I'm sure you knew that already. Before we took these pictures, I was asking Mr. if he could take my picture. Baby Fox said, I want to take your picture! Pose like this Mommy

I can't find his camera right now, but when I do find it, I'll show you the pictures he took of me on his camera.

Every since this, everytime I do an outfit post, he poses like this...

Yes he actually stood still for this many picture, plus the rapid fire on my camera doesn't hurt either

He just kills me!

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, and Tucker Up