Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let's Talk Top Coat

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for a Favorite Things Party. I have been meaning to tell you guys about my new favorite thing, and here's my chance. It's a life changer, seriously.

I know you guys can't wait to hear what it is...

This bottle of top coat is life changing. I can't even tell you how much I love this stuff. I found it through this girl, on her Manicure Monday. I bought it from Drugstore.com* for $5.99. Seriously, it makes your nails dry within 5 minutes of putting it on, and it gives your nails that salon feel, you know your nails feel super thick and great? Yeah, this stuff does that. Only one coat and it feels/looks like you've been to the salon. I always have the problem where I'll do something and there used to ALWAYS be creases in my nail polish, no more, this completely makes that go away because it dries so quickly. I can't tell you how much you guys need to get this stuff. It does have a strong smell though.

*I was going to buy it through amazon, but there were some reviews saying that it was fake, so beware if you buy it through amazon.