Long good weekend, this morning when my alarm went off at 4:30am, I had to think..why is my alarm going off, isn't it a day off? I was going to post on Friday, but then decided to work on Mini Fox's party decorations instead during nap time, then Monday was going to post, but Baby Fox got hurt and that pretty much made me want to drink (even though I don't drink) instead of post something...more on that later. Be prepared for pictures, cause I took about 300 pictures this weekend.
Friday Baby Fox had his first dentist appointment. I know parents of the year here, taking him to his first dentist appointment so late in the game...but we'll things happen, I'll get over it :) If I can say anything, take your kid to a pediatric dentist, it was so much fun for him and he loved it! Plus pediatric dentists need like 2-3 more years of school, so you know they want to work with kids if they go to school longer.
Razzle the tiger...Baby Fox thought he was too cool.
Sunglasses to ward off the bright lights...
Monkey had to come get his teeth cleaned too |
Yep that's a TV up there, they had Cars on, his favorite
His hygentist, she was really nice and super gentle on our newbie
Dentist giving Baby Fox his fluoride treatment
And we left with a woopie cushion from the treasure chest, of course my son would pick a woopie cushion.
After our appointment we went and met up with some friends for a playdate. This place was super cool, had some mechanical things for the kids to ride on, and it was great because it was just one big room and only 1 way in/out and it was manned by someone who had to physically open the door for you to get in/out.
This rocked back and forth
Bounce House
This room was dedicated to balls, there were different machines you could put them in to make them fly around the room.
Boat, that also rocked
This girl got tired...
After that we went to my parents for lunch, I know all that happened before LUNCH!
My sister was there, the kids love her
Still hasn't gotten a nap and still tired
On our way home...for a nap, I told Baby Fox to keep Mini Fox awake the 5 minutes it takes to get home, cause if she falls asleep, she doesn't transfer and counts that as her nap. He wanted to hold her hand.
Don't worry, we were at a stop light when I snapped these pictures |
I made something really cool with this, during nap time
Then we went swimming after nap time
My girl, I even woke her up at 9am!
We had plans to go to my parents, but spidy showed up to conquer the house
Mini Fox loved the costume
We played Justice League Shoots and Ladders while Mini Fox took her morning nap.
Afterwards we headed over to my parents for lunch and to watch the Notre Dame game...
But I opened to get my nails done...hey it's my birthday and I'll do what I want :)
Then we met up with some friends to get some dinner...yum! Waiting for our friends to get there
Baby Fox's first ever tortilla chip, he's never been interested until Saturday...
The kids got a little tired
But rallied to have some fun with Daddy, yep we had two more kids while eating dinner :)
When we got home, Baby Fox wanted to play swords and guns...yep he has them in his shirt on all sides, he likes to be prepared
That's his mean face...really menacing, especially with fox socks on right? |
He's roaring at me
Sunday Mr. went paddle boarding, so I told Baby Fox he could watch TV in Daddy's office as a treat. He told me he was all ready and dragged me in to show me.
All set to watch...wait for it...Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairies
This girl woke up happy from her nap and ready for lunch
Sunday night my parents came over to watch the kids and Mr. and I went on a date, a real live date, dinner and a movie, can't tell you the last time we were gone for that long!
The restaurant we went to actually had food I could eat, I was in heaven...yep I did eat all 5 of these tacos...I'll pretend that Mr. had more than the 4 bites he took...
Mr.'s Nachos
And we saw Guardians of the Galaxy...really fun, and a good movie, would totally see the sequel if they make one.
Monday...started off awesome
I took a Barre Fusion class, was really good, I liked it.
And then I took the kids to the park while Mr. went to workout.
and then our day took a turn...which is a story in itself...which I'll talk about to you later this week, but Baby Fox fell really hard and got hurt and cried, I cried (not in front of him) and I panicked, but in the end everyone was okay.
But I took him to the store
and ice cream pretty much fixes everything
We were supposed to meet up with some friends, but with everything that happened, we had to postpone and then they decided to do what they were going to do in the evening earlier in the day. But we still BBQ'd because it's Labor Day and that's what you do.
Baby Fox was still able to get a little workout in with Mr.
Monday night was spent, relaxing and getting ready for the week. At least it's a short week, yay!
How was your weekend? Anything eventful?
and with Bella & Lisa