His idea of being prepared...
We told him that Ampa and Daddy were taking him to a football game, as soon as he woke up from his nap (at 4) he wanted to go. But I held him off until 6, before he wanted to get ready. He packed his back pack...
And then wore it around until it was time to go.
I got to hang out with my mom and this cutie. And just went we got her down and started to watch a chick flick, the boys came home...darn.
She looks like a toddler holding her own cup drinking from a straw...wahh! I can still call her a baby until she can walk...right?
Saturday I met up with some friends for a free train ride.
This guy had his first bite of popcorn, he LOVED it
This was our ride, it was a long wait to get on it, but it was worth it, so much fun for the kids and it gave us something to do Saturday morning.
Mini Fox wasn't allowed on the train because she can't walk...so my friend took Mini Fox and I took her daughter on the train, she wasn't totally happy with that decision.
Cause everyone wears a superhero cape on a train ride right?
Afterwards we went to lunch...gotta love the selfies
yep my friends daughter got an outfit change... |
This is Sarah...she loves what she does and it shows.
The finished product, there's nothing better than a fresh wash and cut right?
Sunday I woke up early to get some errands done before the kids got up. You know you're up too early when Target isn't even open yet, and you have to wait outside for them to open...picture me, up against the window saying "open, open open" (you know Mervyn's style, remember that commercial? Did I just date myself?)
yay, finally open! |
She loves the swings
What? When did she learn this? I love that Mr.'s hand is in the lower left hand corner...
Love this little two tooth smile (her's not mine)
He's getting so big!
Oops, can't see Mini Fox...
The birthday boy
Then last night we actually got the kids fed and bathed early, so we had about an hour to just relax, play and watch a little TV before bed, it was really refreshing...
How was your weekend?
and with Bella & Lisa