I just like how simple this outfit is, I think the ankle boots really do it for me. The last few days, I feel like I need simple gold necklace, maybe one like this? Or this?
Super easy outfit, and SO comfortable.
As always here's some cute stuff as of late.
The cutest video of Mini Fox doing Wheels on the Bus.
The front cute kid with a cute headband...which I was shocked she kept on!
But wait...looks can be really deceiving... crazy hair!
Only my kid could refuse a cookie. I gave him this cookie, he took two bites and then set it down...and never returned to claim it.
Yesterday was a sick day, but Baby Fox got to do jammies all day, which he loves. He woke up today with no fever, just a stuffy nose. One more day at home and he should be good to go. Fingers crossed it's gone for good
I also want to give a shout out to the best Mom and Nana anyone could ask for! Happy Happy Birthday. Here's to so many more together!
Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up , Shopping my Closet and Molly and Carly for Let it Shine