Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: My Best Vacation Ever

I've blogged about my favorite vacations here, when looking at that post, I realize that Mr. and I did some pretty cool things before the kids came. We haven't taken many trips with the kids yet, but after our Tahoe trip this past month, I think they're ready to take on some trips and travel with us. I'm going to break this down into my favorite trip without kids and my favorite trip with the kids.

Without Kids:

This one is hard, like in the post above, it's pretty much all of the trips Mr. and I took before the kids. But I think my most favorite trip was our Honeymoon. I think it was the best trip because it was just me and him for the first time. We didn't live together before we got married, so this was the first time that we were together 24/7 for an extended amount of time, our honeymoon was 18 days, and that's 16 more days together then we had ever previously done. And guess what, we didn't fight once and we were excited and wanted to spend even more time together after we got back. Match made in heaven right?

Mr. told me where we were going for our honeymoon during our wedding, actually it was during communion. All he told me was that I needed a passport and a few bathing suits. It was such a nice surprise when he said French Polynesia.  Since I didn't know where we were going, and didn't know how to pack, Mr. thought it would be a good idea to go to Santa Barbara first, then go to my new home (I moved into his condo), pack and then leave on Wednesday. Best decision ever to go somewhere local before heading out for our tropical vacation.

For whatever reason, I don't have many pictures from this part of the trip. This is Upham bed and breakfast (super cute, another favorite place of ours to stay).

Check out the size of that tub, crazy right?

We headed home, packed and then left for Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora.

We flew into Tahiti and actually stayed in a hotel for about 8 hours before leaving to catch our plane to Moorea.

The next day we caught our plane to Moorea (about a 45 minute trip)...and yep that's our boarding pass, it's laminated and reusable...

And that plane is what we're getting on...to say I was a little nervous would be a lie, I was totally nervous and scared.

We never got very far off the ground, so at least the ride was pretty, but the shattered looking glass on the windows made me extra nervous.

Those specks on the picture...yep those were little things in the glass of the windows, not even joking.
The lobby at the Pearl Resort in Moorea

A warm welcome

The pool area at this hotel, I happen to take the picture when they were doing water aerobics.

Yep that's the pool and then the ocean, cool right?
They decorated the place for us.

Every night we got a new flower decoration.

We did a lot of snorkeling.

We took a day trip to swim with sting rays, sharks and turtles...
The reason I'm always wearing shirts in the pictures is because I am allergic to SPF, so I try to cover up when I can

Yep we actually took this pictures, they set out a set of buoys with some rope between them, and then told the sharks to stay on that side of the rope...not even joking. I figured I could swim faster then the lady over there, so I was okay.

We're on the correct side of the rope.

They were showing us how to wrap a sarong, and they chose Mr. 

We took a bike ride and found the coolest ice cream cone. Double scoop...but it's side by side, crazy right? But totally makes sense if you ask me.

We watched a lot of Polynesian dancing shows.

Onto the next part of the trip, Bora Bora!

Another plane, but this time it's a bigger plane, phew. It was about a 3 hour plane trip.

Bora Bora is made up of lots of little islands, the airport is on it's own island and then each hotel has it's own island too, so you take a boat everywhere. We stayed at another Pearl Resort.

The Lobby

This is the first room we stayed on, it was on the main grounds. We got our own spa and outdoor shower.

The pool area and that building back there is the restaurant.

We did a lot of laying out and reading...

Another show and they picked Mr. again...Teaching him how to dance

We switched rooms after a few days to an over the water hut.

 That's the night stand that you can see the ocean below the hut.

The bathroom.

Again you can see the ocean through that glass.

This is the coffee table in the middle of the room

Our view outside our hut

Outside the back door


Kayaking just outside of our hut...we went out to where the waves were breaking. This was on our way back, I wish we had gotten some pictures of where we went, it was pretty cool to see people surfing in what seemed like the middle of the ocean.

We went on a horseback riding tour, the owner, Olevia, gave us a great tour of Bora Bora too. Since our hotel was exactly on the opposite side of where we were going, he took us one way there, and the other way to complete the circle home. It was great.

That's where we were staying behind us

He even let us drive

Crazy man at the wheel!

We did a lot of this too

we each had our own bucket of ice to put our drinks when we weren't drinking them, since it was so hot, our drinks would warm up in 2 seconds if we didn't

We figured we were on our honeymoon, let's take a helicopter ride too.

I got the best seat too!

Not our hotel, this is the Four Seasons they were building and was to open, I think later that year

Remember that coffee table? Yep it opened up so you could feed the fish. We took some bread from lunch so we could feed the fish.

Back on another plane and back to the very first hotel we stayed at in Tahiti for 8 hours. This time we stayed for 3 days. The view from the lobby.

We went to this restaurant, and it was a super scary drive, but the view was worth it, too bad I didn't get a picture, darn.

Everyday they had feeding the sting rays, of course we're going to do that.

We also took surf lessons, super hard! I can't find the picture, and not even sure if we took one, boo!

With Kids:

Since this got super long, I'll tell you quickly our favorite vacation so far with the kids would have to be our Tahoe trip. We got some good family time driving, and spending good time with friends. I hope there are many more trips like that to come in our future!

Linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday and with the girls for Tuesday Talk