Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Style Me Spring 2015 Challenge - Outfits 3 Thru 9

Hey, Hey! I'm back with the ladies, recapping our outfits for this past week. Click here for the previous outfits. There's a lot of outfits, so let's get to it.

Day 3

I love this shirt. When I got it in the mail, I knew right away that I was going to love it. I even like how high it comes up on the sides, although I probably should wear a tank underneath, I sort of like that some of my skin is showing...too risky for a Mom of 2? Naw, I'm going to live on the wild side. But I did find some awesome layer tanks at Target, I'll probably pick up a few more colors this week.

I just love the back side of it too.

Mini Fox just wanted a hug.

Day 4

I took so many pictures of this outfit you have NO idea! Actually I did two days of this outfit, because all of the pictures from the first time didn't look good, and I realized that it looked so much better buttoned and slightly tucked in. I thought this was one of my least favorite, but after I did some buttoning and tucking it's not so bad after all. Amazing what a little styling can do.

Day 5

I LOVE this top, I can't tell you how much I love it. It's super comfy and it's somewhat polka dotty...but it's swirly when you look really close, I love it. And of course it's sold out :( Sorry.
I should add a belt, but I don't know what kind, any suggetions. These jeans are also from White House Black Market and are the MOST comfortable things you'll ever wear...seriously. Worth the money!

The earrings are Kate Spade my Mom picked up at Nordstrom Rack, so cute right?

You might be wondering why I have this face?

Because I was being robbed!

This looks staged but it totally wasn't, he just walked up and did this and Mr. just captured the moment

Day 6

I have no idea why I didn't wear a necklace with this? Wasn't feeling it that day? Not really sure...wait I remember, it was because I had the earrings on, and I thought doing both would be too much, but then you can't really see the earrings, so maybe next time I need to wear my hair up. Hmmm....

Love these sandals, these are from DSW, from the Fall on Clearance, score!

Baby Fox wanted in the shot...and my eyes are closed, at least he's cute.

Better shot at the earrings

Day 7

My all time favorite, favorite outfit so far! I don't know what it is about this outfit that I love, but it's just awesome and I feel so put together and I love it, did I mention that I love it? The skirt can be found Nordies of course and on sale for $22.80!

Day 8

This could really be a Fall staple, jeans, tee, scarf, bright flats, super easy but you look totally put together. What's your go to outfit?

Day 9

Slightly annoying that my necklace was off in these picture, my picture guy is fired! Just kidding's so much easier to do pictures without having to get the tripod and remote...I'll keep ya around ;)

This shirt was one that Shaeffer at Pinterest Told Me To (well I got the 2013 version and I linked  you back to the 2014 version), made a must have shirt, and I have to say, yes you must have this shirt, it is really comfortable and comes in a ton of different colors.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway, this is your last day to enter to win a $130 gift card to my favorite store Nordstroms!

Now go check out the other ladies doing the Style me Challenge to see how they styled their outfits.

Shoes to Shiraz | R Squared | Two Teens and Their Mama |
Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy | A Lovely Little Wardrobe |
Mishaps and Mayhem of Solitary Life | Puppies and Pretties | Daily Style Finds |
Making the Most of Everyday | She Thought She Could | Foxy's Domestic Side |
Quilty Joy Joy | Curls and Cardigans | Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After |
My Running Stitches | From Plaid to Pearls | Stashed Blog | X-tremely V |
 A Little Bit of Cheer | Nick and Nik

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up Shopping my Closet and Molly and Carly for Let it Shine