Hi all! Happy Friday! Sorry but this post is going to be video heavy. I was hoping to get a Vlog up on our weekend last week, but well that didn't happen. I decided to work on Baby Fox's birthday invitations instead. I realized I want his party to happen in 7 weeks and I still need to order the invitations, which usually take 7-10 days to get to me. I panicked, so I worked on that all night. But here are some happens going on over here lately.
Warning, there's just going to be a bunch of videos. Cause they're all so cute.
I meant to post this on Monday, but it didn't upload by the time I was finished working on the post, so it got left behind...ah well. Now you get to see it.
Mr. is out of town, and the kids are missing him like crazy, they wanted to say hi. I love their cute little voices.
I finally found a hair style that makes my ponytail not fall out when working out. Do you have that problem? I put it up in a pony tail and throughout my workout/class I'm constantly having to re-do my pony tail. This half braid and then pull into a pony tail works perfect and I never once have to tighten or mess with my pony tail, it's pretty awesome.
Sorry for the crummy selfies...with my cell phone. Try not to concentrate on all the grey hairs that are coming in.
I was copying this hairstyle from Cute Girls Hairstyles and was shocked at how well my ponytail stayed, now I don't workout without it.
Isn't this how everyone sits in the cart?
She is so funny.
And I guess all of my things today had videos. You're welcome ;) At least they're all short. I'm going to work on last weekends vlog this weekend...I figure better late than never.
Some bonus pictures:
With Mr. out of town, I've had to work from home, I don't think anyone wants to come to our house at 5am. Plus it gives me a reason to work from home. So I can walk this guy to school.
I love that she still likes being in the carrier.
Done working for the day and ready to play.
What are you up to this weekend? We're headed to my bestie's son's birthday party.
Also linking up with: Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites, September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday,
April, Darci, Natasha and Christina for Five on Friday