Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My First Pair of Camo's and Vlog

I finally got a pair of camo. I wasn't on board with the camo jeans until I kept seeing all the ladies from the style challenge wear them, and I just had to get in on the fun. But by the time I was on board it seemed like EVERYWHERE was sold out. I finally found them here. I was hesitant at first, but so glad that I just bit the bullet and went for it. They fit perfect! Well minus the length, but I have that problem with every pair of jeans.

That untucked part that looks while on my right hip, driving me crazy, sometimes I wonder, when Mr. was taking my photo, didn't he notice how funny it looked? Oh well, you get the idea. I love, love, love this shirt, it's so comfy. I want it in every color...if I could only remember where I got it...

Funny how just before taking these photos, I really caked on the make-up. I darkened my eyeshadow a bunch and brightened up the cheeks, yet you can barely tell I'm wearing make-up. Funny how that works. I do however LOVE my lipstick. I just got it, it's the Maybelline Buffs collection in the color Untainted (#950). I think it's the perfect everyday color for me.

Onto some randoms: Okay really just one random.

Did you know I have a youtube channel? I just think it's so cool when I see daily vloggers and how cool it must be for them to look back on certain days and not just look at pictures (like me) but actually see what they were doing, and watch a video of it. I'm sure I'll love looking back at my kids when they just started talking and see what it was like, instead of just looking at a picture. So I'm going to try and take more videos of my kids and then post it here for you to see. Keeps me accountable, cause I have SO many videos and I do nothing with them. So this is me trying to do something with it. If you subscribe to my channel, that's part of an entry to my giveaway, so go ahead and do both! $400 to Nordstrom, great way to get your summer wardrobe!

I tried to do a whole weekend worth of vlog to make one long video, but my software had other plans for me. So I had to break it up by day. I just keep fighting with the software, frustrating, but it's something I really want to here are the first two days. By the time I figure this out, I'll be a month behind, LOL.

I'll eventually get the hang of they might come at you sooner, instead of 3 weeks later, LOL. 

Until then happy Hump Day!

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up Shopping my Closet,  Molly and Carly and  More Pieces of Me and On the Daily Express,