Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Another Weekend Recap on a Tuesday

Hello Tuesday, I was so happy to leave Monday behind. Right when I got to work I got the most maddening email, not what you want to see at 6am on Monday, grr...but hopefully today will be better, I have high hopes. But let's talk about the weekend first.

Friday got a box in the mail and it looked like this. Seriously fairly certain it went under the truck or two. It was so bad the original tape broke and they taped it again. Luckily it was just a pair of boots and they survived. I love them, but I bought two pairs of boots to go with my family photo outfit and the other pair looks a little better...boo.

They love opening the gaggles of packages that arrive at our house daily, note the packages behind them on the left.

Just after dinner Mr. asked Baby Fox how school was, and he said I learned some new words today, and then he proceeded to read this entire worksheet, sounding it out and everything. We are blown away.

Saturday was a super busy day,
My dad picked her up so we could head to soccer picture day and then meet us at the game later. The kids were so cute taking pictures.

Baby Fox's eyes are close, so let's hope the real deal his eyes aren't closed.

Team silly picture.

After pictures we headed straight to the game, that was at a different field in a different city and it should have taken us 15 mintue to get there, took us 45 minutes! So glad we left early, and then we called my parents to not bring Mini Fox, not worth the traffic to get there. Coach was gone for the weekend, so Mr. stepped up. He had fun, but said he wasn't going to quit his day job, haha. At least we scored 1 goal in our net...lol, we got 3 in theirs.


Game time, we have high hopes, haha, just kidding, it's 4 year old soccer and our best player was playing in the other game (we do 2 3x3 side by side games)
He's just so cute when he sucks his fingers.

When we got back the kids ate lunch and went down for a nap, and I got ready for a MNO at a Gala for Thomas House, such a great organization.

All the ladies of the evening. Turns out the third girl from the left, I went to college with and we were in the same service organization (at my college more people were in service organizations, volunteer  work, than sororities and fraternities). Such a small world!

Gotta take a selfie...too bad it was blurry. I got a clear one, but one of the girls is cut off, darn.

Silent auction, last 2 minutes and we were trying to "ebay" it, last minute bids with 5 seconds to go...didn't work, haha.

I invited this girl, whom you've seen before, but I've known her since 7th grade. So happy we live close enough to do stuff like this together.

The auction was really fun, and one of the girls bid and won an all you can eat Wahoo's taco truck for 50 people, woo hoo! I hope she invites us, fingers crossed.

Sunday the oldest kid woke up early, so I took him to the grocery store with me (usually I try to sneak out before they wake up, usually I'm there and back before they even notice).

This girl, thinking she's the Queen of Sheba.

I was trying to get a shot of her play heels she's wearing. Seriously this girl can rock a heel.

We headed to church, of course the kids favorite part is the donuts. Baby Fox was splitting the donut in half, he did an awesome very fair job.

When we got back I had told Baby Fox we would do a little science project. So we put two soda bottles together and made a whirlpool/tornado...whatever you want to call it, the kids thought it was awesome!

We just used an extra piece of sprinkler pipe and some duct tape, totally rough, but it worked and the kids didn't care what it looked like.

After naps the kids talked Mr. into going swimming, crazy kids. The pool was about 78°.

and they both went in it, several times, crazy people.

Practicing back floats.

To end our Sunday some pretty birds flying over head. I just love when you see birds flying in formation, it just makes me feel so peaceful and somehow makes me think of God and how he's always watching over us. Strange to think all that when you see birds, but it does.

How was your weekend? What was the best part of your weekend?
Linking up with Erin for Weekend Snapshot4B Loved Boston and Champagne & Suburbs  for Weekending,  and Ashley at A Cute Angle for Monday Madness and  Tuesday Talk

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