Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Challenge - Week 2

Hello all! 2nd week of the Style Challenge*, and I'm back with 7 more outfits. Well 5 plus 2 outfits that I would have worn had I had the chance. So let's get to it. Here are the outfits at a glance.

Let's break it down:

Day 3

I'm absolutely loving this outfit, but it's just a bit too hot to wear right now, but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, outfits must be put together! I actually followed the outfit formula, unlike Day 1 and 2.  But I will definitely be pulling this one out come colder weather.

Day 4

Love this outfit too! Can we talk about these jeans? I got them during the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, so they are no longer available but these* and these* are very similar. They are the most comfortable jeans! They don't pinch at the waist and are the softest jean material ever! I would wear them everyday if that was socially acceptable. I would however, order a size down. I ordered my size and a few hours later I'm finding that I'm hiking up my jeans.

I only have two blazer, one is black and the other one is bright blue, but neither one really worked with this outfit, so I decided to switch it up to my pink leather jacket that I got from Wilson's Leather at the Camarillo Outlet Mall a few years ago. If you can go to a Wilson's Leather at an outlet great deals! I think I bought this jacket for $40!

This little lady wanted to jump in the picture...okay that's a lie she was trying to photo bomb and I scooped her up and tried to get her to take a picture with me. I have a feeling this is what our family photos are going to be like in a couple of weeks, lots of bribery!

Day 5

Loving this* white button down that I bought. Seriously if you have been looking for a white button down look no further! This shirt is worth every single penny, it's a little more than I would normally spend, but it's so soft and doesn't feel still like other buttons downs. I actually want to wear this, instead of just wearing something just to wear it.

I didn't follow the outfit formula again. I don't have a gray cable knit sweater yet, not sure if I am going to get one since I would probably rarely wear it over this white shirt, too hot! But that could be the 100° weather talking, come back in a few months.

So instead of adding the sweater over it, I just added this scarf. I really love the plaid in this scarf, and for the life of me can't remember where I got it.

Day 6

I ordered some olive jeans* (super comfy and on sale for $24.99! The olive color in person is much darker than online), but they hadn't come in the mail yet, so I subbed out for my Camo Jeans. Loving this outfit and will definitely repeat as it gets colder. If you don't have a pair of wedge booties, you have to get a pair! These were from Target a while back and were really reasonable. One day I'll buy the Toms version, but for now, my knockoffs will do.

Day 7

I absolutely love this plaid dress*. When Alison told us a plaid dress would be involved I wasn't sure if I was going to get one. I know that I'm not a red plaid dress girl, but found this black and white one and it's right up my ally.

Not totally sure if I can get away with the length, definitely not with the kids around, but for sure a great night out with the girls or the hubby.

Day 8

This is when I didn't have time to take pictures with the outfits on. So I put together a picture of what I would have worn. I'm actually surprised, I'm not sure I would have paired the olive jeans with that polka dot sweat, but I think it looks great! Apparently the olive jeans like to photograph a little lighter than they are in person, or maybe I need to get my eyes checked, either way this outfit looks great!

In case you were wondering, the outfit formula called for an orange sweater, which I don't have, I've been subbing in this polka dot one and it seems to be working with all of the outfit choices so far.

Day 9

Again I didn't have time to take a photo of this outfit, but I am LOVING my new burgundy jeans (which of course they don't have in stock any more), they are super soft and I can't wait to wear them.

I did sub out the riding boots for these flats, since most likely I wouldn't have worn my riding boots with them. I'm not sure why, but in my head it just didn't make sense. The outfit calls for the grey cable sweater over it, to me that makes more sense to wear the riding boots, but with just the button down, I didn't think so.

There you have it, 7 more outfits brought to you by Alison! Which was your favorite?

*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase an item - I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!Also linking up with Tucker UpBecause Shanna Said So,  On Trend Tuesday, Cappuccino and FashionSydney Fashion HunterPampers and PearlsHappiness at Mid LifeThe Pleated Poppy,Shopping My ClosetGet Your Pretty OnLet It ShineMore Pieces of Me,  Pumps and Push-UpsA Lovely Little Wardrobe