I'm finally feeling up to actually getting ready and going out. Woo hoo! Two outfit posts in a row, who am I? It was a nice break to just lounge around and do nothing, but I'm ready to get back out there. Who else still has Christmas gifts to buy? I have a long list, and time is running out on the internet options to get them before Christmas.
This is one of my favorite shirts that I got from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. It's a bit on the thinner side for colder weather so I layered it with my favorite long tank* from Target. Paired with my favorite leggings* from Nordstrom, on sale now for $27, reg. $36.
I really do think my favorite part is the back, there are these cute little buttons. I'm in serious need of a haircut. I was going to get one back in November...but well the whole driving thing.
And just for The Blended Blog ladies...token butt shot for ya :)
I know that green sock have no reason being there, other then I need tall socks to go with my boot, and I just happen to put on a green one. Frankly I only have these socks (it's actually has a picture of a snow monster on them) and black, the black were dirty. Oops, didn't realize I was going to actually have time to take an outfit post. Who knew!
*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase an item - I may receive a small commission. THANK YOU!