Monday, March 21, 2016

$10 Target Haul: March Edition

Back linking up with Becky, Beth, Courtney. Elizabeth, Rachel, Stephanie, Tif Whitney, and Whitney to show what we got for just $10 at Target.

I actually got to Target by myself randomly last week, it was glorious! Totally unexpected, but really nice. I went around Target finding good deals, and boy was there lot of good deals to be had! I was taking pictures of them all, but decided to just show you what I got instead. I feel like I did really good this month!

Breaking it down I got some glow in the dark stars, two packages of 12 pack of plastic eggs, a alphabet bingo game and some shamrock gels to put on the windows! So much stuff right?! The kids were super excited when I got home. Somehow Baby Fox convinced Mini Fox that him getting the stars and her getting the shamrocks was a good deal. So after dinner off to their rooms we went.

Baby Fox exchanged a few of his stars for a few of her shamrocks.

She decided to put hers on her mirror.

And wanted to put one of the shooting stars on her mirror

And the rest on her ceiling.

Baby Fox opted to put all of them on his ceiling.

He did the planets at school earlier this year, and just a few weeks ago asked to put them on his ceiling. Such a good idea! The glow in the dark stars just adds some more fun. Granted the big moon fell off the first night, but the rest of them are still up there.

In total, using my cartwheel app, I spent $9! I could have done $1 but then with tax I would have gone over, so I stuck with my $9. Does that mean next month I get $11?
Linking up here