I'm somewhat rested, if you count 4.5 hours of sleep rested, oops! That Sons of Anarchy! Gets me every time. We had the season finale of Season 2, so we HAD to watch it last night, right?
Our weekend was fantastic. I would almost say the perfect weekend. Friday I met up with a good friend from college that recently moved to Northern California from Virginia...at least we're in the same state now. Anyway we met up at the Discovery Cube in Anaheim, now that they've expanded it, super fun! Definitely be going back!
We might have another climber on our hands, only 2.5 more years till she can go on the rock wall at the gym to find out.
Baby Fox decided to go to school instead of coming with us...so don't think I'm ignoring him.
They have this cool outdoor area where you have a map with pictures of things that the wand can open and close.
Lots of hands on things inside, like Legos, blocks, wind tunnel stuff, really great learning place for the kids.
We're inside the cube!
This girl would not take a normal picture...so I joined in on the craziness.
Even the food was cute..piano sandwich.
Butterfly grilled cheese
Baby Fox saw Mini Fox sucking her thumb, and he told her that that was the wrong finger to suck that it was those two fingers, so she's been doing whenever she doesn't have her pacifier and wants it.
This one was cool, you got to "skate" on this and how fast you slide your feet was how fast the guy moved...clearing Mini Fox didn't get it.
Teaching kids about the pully's how it helps with weight distribution. I got a good workout.
Last selfie before we left, Mini Fox wasn't feeling it.
Friday night we met up with some friends, I've know her since 7th grade. So happy that we live close enough to have dinner on a Friday night. The kids get along so great too.
Saturday I took Baby Fox rock climbing again but this time we met up with a friend and his kid, that kid loves it up there. (The green thing hanging from him is how I get him back down, since he doesn't weigh enough to get down on his own...well he can but it would probably take 10 minutes, he travels a half an inch a second.
Baby Fox then did a first, he went home with our friends to play. I didn't even have to drive him, they had an extra car seat in the car...and he had a blast. We then went do diner at their house, so we could hang out and pick up Baby Fox. They are all getting so big.
Sunday was Easter of course and we told the kids that the Easter Bunny didn't come till he knew you were in church celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus...Plus church started at 10 (we had to leave by 9:30) and they wake up around 8:30, wasn't going to be able to do everything even if we wanted to. Waiting for church to start, Mr. had to sit this one out because of his back. Boo.
This girl was a Papa's girl the whole time...so stinkin' cute.
Such a perfect day for Easter.
Just the girls.
Then we headed back to our place to get their Easter baskets and hunt for eggs. I won't bore you with all the photos...but Baby Fox thought the Darth Vader Easter egg was pretty awesome.
After a short nap we headed over to my Aunt's house. Where the kids got ANOTHER Easter egg hunt, talk about spoiled!
Oh and guess what? I think I finally feel like an adult... I bought us a really nice cheese board and cheese knives...I feel like I can officially host a fancy dinner party. Cause a dinner party without a fancy cheese board is no party at all right?
I hope you all had a great Easter! Come back tomorrow for Style Perspectives, we're all styling bright pants! Join in on the fun and link up with us, or #theblendedblogstyle on social media!
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