Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Favorites #59

If you missed it this week:

Thursday: Legoland Review (cont. from last week): Things to Skip

I got to the gym three times, and by the time you read this, I should be at the gym...okay if you're reading this anywhere between 10am-11pm PST, I should be at the gym, yay! Getting back in shape is hard work!

told you that I was going to try to wear everything in my closet...okay maybe not everything since I was just going to do it for the month of March and then go from there, see how I feel. But so far so good, three outfits in, feeling GOOD! I figured I would recap them here, cause why not.

This is what I wore on March 1-3...those last two, the grey sweater I wore to work, and the plaid outfit with the jacket tied around my waist was to Disneyland.

Speaking of which, had a blast with my bestie and her family. We saw Paint the Night and the Fireworks Show, neither one I had seen before. It was fantastic! The start of the show.

The only picture I took of us together, oops!

Fire works show, amazing! Totally worth seeing...

Then the bestie and I walked her family back to the hotel and we headed to Downtown Disney to eat a late dinner and catch up. It's not often we get time with no little humans hanging onto us. Again too much fun and chatting for a picture. We're seeing them tomorrow, so I'll make sure to get a picture.

Have you see this? Astronaut Scott Kelly spent the last 365 days on the International Space Station, taking pictures from space, this was his last one, he returned home on Tuesday! Some of the pictures were unreal! This was the last one he took before heading home.

Rise and shine! My last sunrise from space then I gotta go! 1 of 5. Good morning from the International Space Station! #YearInSpace

How cool is this? Getting a tweet from the President...I would be freaking out too!

Great tweet chat from space on @Twitter yesterday. Thank you to all - including Mr. President - who joined me and asked...
Posted by NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly on Sunday, August 2, 2015

And what would a Friday Favorites be without my two favorite kids? Things happening this week around our house.

This girl earned everyone ice cream going pee in the potty with no accidents, woo hoo!

Baby Fox was begging me to go back to the rock wall, so we dropped Mini Fox at the daycare and we went climbing for a bit. He really wanted to get to the top, they put a "that was easy" button up there, he really wanted to hit it, he thought it was so cool.

And this girl, cause she has cats and a smile on her face. Need to remember that when she's throwing her 2 year old tantrums...good thing she's cute :)

Linking up here