Hello Foxy Friends!
I hope you all had a great Easter weekend! Ours was fantastic, so much so that I'm just too tired to recap it for you today! It's late and I need to get to bed, but I wanted to link up with Chrissy, Crystal, Elizabeth, Jen, Jess, Liz, Meghan, Natasha and Courtney for the Easter Basket link up.
The way things worked out, I didn't have time to put together the Easter baskets beforehand. Since we use the same baskets each year, I had to come up with a story to tell the kids why we use the same basket. We told them that we leave an empty basket out and the Easter Bunny fills it when he comes to leave the eggs. So we had them leave their baskets outside on Saturday night...so...Mr. did it while we were at church, and I had about 10 second pause before the kids tore into them...haha.
For Mini Fox we got her an Arial doll and a book and a See's Candy bunny, some eggs and a sucker.
Baby Fox we got him this Miles from Tomorrowland toy he's been asking for, since before Christmas...he wasn't sure if the Easter Bunny was going to come through for him or not...he talked about it non stop on Saturday saying he didn't think the Easter Bunny was going to bring it...he was over the moon excited when he found out he did in fact come through for him.
I hope you all had a great Easter! It was the most perfect day for us! Minus Mr. not being able to go to church because of his back...boo! Come back tomorrow to see all of our Easter fun!
Linking up here