Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wedding Video Highlights

Happy Thursday Foxy Friends! Yay for Thursday, tomorrow is Friday and the weekend, so it's practically the weekend already.

Mr. and my wedding anniversary is on Saturday, so I figured I would show you the highlights video that our videographer put together. For those of you engaged I highly recommend having someone, anyone record your wedding. If you can't afford one, just have a friend do it. It is so worth it and now every year on our anniversary we watch our vows and our wedding and we get to relive the whole day over...more than just pictures. As a bride you don't get to see everyone walking down the isle, but with a videographer you get to see everything. The day is such a blur that it's nice to relive it with more than just pictures.

I can't even believe that we've been married for 11 years, the time has flown by so fast, and I wouldn't want to share this with anyone else. Good thing, since it seems like I'm stuck with him :)

Happy, almost 11 year anniversary Mr.!
Tell me in the comments below how long you've been married or been with your significant other!
P.S. funny enough, I'm going to a wedding shower on Saturday...such a great way to celebrate our anniversary, although we won't be together...haha. We'll at least get the evening together.
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