Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Weekend Recap

I figured Tuesday is just a good of a day as any to do a recap right? We were super busy this weekend, lots of fun things to do!

Friday I took a half day from work so we could finally celebrate Mr. He was actually sick on his birthday so we canceled everything so he could sleep and rest. Poor thing. We went to the movies. We LOVE the Divergent Series, so we went to see that. I told Mr. to buy tickets in advance, but we so didn't need to, a 2pm movie on opening day, apparently not a big deal. There were about 20 people in the theater.

After dinner we headed to Mastros, have you been there? It's AMAZING! It's our go to we're getting out of the house and want a fancy dinner place to go. Our view. The picture doesn't do it justice, that blue fuzzy stuff out there is ocean. It was a gorgeous day out!

Happy Birthday Mr.!

After dinner we walked around a big. Took in the sunset.

Saturday they were having Easter our at neighborhood park. So we hit that up after breakfast. So nice to just walk up a few houses and be at a park. We got there just as everyone was going to "hunt" for eggs.

She found an egg, ate an egg, found an egg, ate an egg...rinse and repeat.

The Easter Bunny (according to Baby Fox, he was the Easter Bunny helper, not the real deal)

Then a lot of bounce house happened.

At first she was only interested in eating eggs...only when we cut her off did she join in on the bounce house fun.

Suddenly this girl learned how to climb up the ladder, say what? When did she get that big?!

They both got their arms painted.

and then a real bunny showed up. So soft and cuddly.

I promised Baby Fox to take him rock climbing so we headed to the gym afterwards.

After we were done we headed over to a neighbors open house. Funny enough we have been talking online for 6 months but had never met. We met because discovered she was moving into my neighborhood and both of our kids are the same age. Another bounce house happened here too, forgot to take pictures.

Then we headed back for naps and dinner.

Sunday after church we headed to a friends house for a friends Easter celebration. Giving the kids instructions on the Easter Egg hunt.

They've been released!

Love these ladies! I think we have perfected the selfie picture...

These kids are just too cute. Love them so much!

And of course we needed  a group shot, in which we stacked several kiddie chairs on a table and used other cell phones to prop the picture taking cell phone up.

Gotta have a silly picture right?

When we got home I was taking an outfit picture and Baby Fox was outside with me and I told him to jump in the pool to see if he could save himself. So he jumped into the 67° pool, perhaps it was the fact that he has wanted a snorkel for the past year and I told him we would buy one if he jumped in and showed us. So he did. Right around this picture, he rolled over to see how much further he had to go and he had that moment of panic in his eyes, and I almost jumped in after him, but he composed himself, rolled back around and got to the side.

He made it! We were so proud of him. Granted I have no idea what he would do if I just pushed him randomly in, but that just seems mean. Hopefully now he knows what it feels like to swim with clothes on. Perhaps when it's summer and the pool is warmer I might tell him I'll do it one day. We'll see after a few more swim lessons.

But for now I'm more confident that at least he would drown immediately, of course this doesn't mean we would EVER allow him in the pool without one of us there, but at least we see that he can swim with clothes on, and I think it was also a confidence booster for him that he could swim with his clothes on.

My parents and sister came over for dinner, which I didn't take any pictures, oops!

How was your weekend? Have you tried having your kid jump in the pool with all of his clothes on?

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