Hello Foxy Friends! If you're here from
The Blended Blog, welcome! Today I have something really fun, over on
TBB we all decided that it would be fun to let the people around us help us get dressed. So here I am asking the people around me to dress me.
The first person up was Mini Fox. When I do my
outfit posts (if she is awake), she will typically be at my side watching my every move, asking me what make-up I'm wearing. When I told her that she could dress me and anything in my closest, I think she thought I was joking at first and then jumped at the chance so fast your head would spin. Her main criteria...to wear a princess dress...I am short of those in my closet, but she found this stripe/floral print that she absolutely loves and always asks me to wear it. I asked her how I should do my hair, what accessories and what color lipstick I should wear. This is the outfit she came up with.
Mini Fox wanted to jump into some pictures with me. We just happen to match.
The next person I ask was Baby Fox, he woke up early on morning as I was getting dressed and he wondered into my room and I told him he could pick out anything for me to wear and I would wear it all that day. He was super excited as he perused my
closet, thinking of what he should pick out. He pretty much picked this out super quick. I even asked him what shoes and he did get a bunch of my shoes out and eventually picked out the pink converse. I was hesitant at first, but you know what, at Kindergarten drop off I got a compliment on my shoe choice...apparently a 5 year old knows his shoes. He also said no make up
Next up was Mr. At first he picked out this super inappropriate outfit...think Britney Spears "Baby One More Time" video. In my defense I keep that skirt becuase it was one of the first outfits I wore when I met Mr., I really just keep it for memories, not for actually wearing. And yes he tried to pair it with the top that I met him in...again something I would NEVER wear now...think backless. Anyway, Mr. wanted to mix patterns. This is the outfit he came up with. Again he picked out the lipstick color.
My sister happened to be at my house on Saturday picking Baby Fox up so I asked her to dress me. She was having Mini Fox help her and guess what Mini Fox picked? Yep the same exact dress, I asked her to dress me 3 weeks ago...she's consistent. So I told my sister to try again and she picked out this outfit. She had some trouble with the shoes, since she doesn't really know my closet, but she picked out my leopard heels and I have to admit I like it...
Mini Fox wanted in on the photos too.
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How 4 people in my life styled me. How would someone in your life style you? You should ask, and see what happens :)
Now click on over to
Sheila to see who styled her.
Linking up here