Showing posts with label Picture Perfect Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picture Perfect Project. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Picture Perfect Project: August

Hello Foxy Friends! I'm back linking up with  WhitneyCourtneyBeth  and  Elizabeth,  Stephanie  and  Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project. Click here for the previous months.

This month is my birthday month and usually I try to get one of us on my birthday, but since this is happening before my birthday I figured I would try to get another. This past weekend we were all in the pool and my mom was over so I had her try and get some photos of us jumping in the water. We're all jumping at different times, but I just love this picture so much. Perfect picture for the calendar.

Maybe we can try again without the pool cover, but you know that's real life. Us having fun in the pool in our backyard.

Linking up here


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Picture Perfect Project: July

Hello Foxy Friends! I'm back linking up with  WhitneyCourtneyBeth  and  Elizabeth,  Stephanie  and  Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project. Click here for the previous months. So this month wasn't as successful. Darn. I thought I got a good one, but then when I got home, no pictures had the kids with both of their eyes open at the same time. Darn. Oh well, I still think they are cute...I tried to photomerge and do some photoshop stuff, but I'm not good enough for that. Photoshop kept distorting the picture so Baby Fox kept looking like an alien. Anyway, I'll post what I got anyway...but I'm thinking I might have to find a different photo for the yearly family calendar.

Perhaps I'll use one of these photos...they're fun.

Or scrap everything and do another photo all together. What to do what to do? Thoughts?

 Linking up here

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kids Behind the Blog and Picture Perfect: June Edition

Today you get a double hitter. It just happens that Kids Behind the Blog and Picture Perfect land within a day of each other and I already had something planned, so I figured, they both have to do with my kids, lets combine them! 
First up is the Picture Perfect Project. I decided to make this about capturing an intentional pictures for the yearly calendar we do for the grandparents. I know they look forward to getting them, and last year was a disaster and super hard to find a picture for each month. So this year, I decided to take an intentional picture I was going to use for the calendar. This past weekend we were at the Lake, so what's more appropraite for a June Calendar than a picture by the water? It was taken with my iPhone, but I love it, it's just so sweet.

Next up Kids Behind the Blog with Crystal, Beth, Meghan, Jessica, and Stephanie. While I we were at the Lake I asked the kids a few questions. Their answers were so cute.
Baby Fox Age: 5 years 5 months
Mini Fox Age: 2 years 9 months

Baby Fox

What do you like doing with Daddy? 
Going to the movies.

What was Daddy like as a little boy? 
I don't know

What’s Daddy’s favorite food? 

What does Daddy do at work? 
Work on computer.

What is your favorite memory of Daddy? 
Going to the movies.

Mini Fox

What do you like doing with Daddy? 
Um go to park with Daddy.

What was Daddy like as a little boy? 
Mini Fox: Um...too....
Me: What do you think he was like...
Mini Fox: Um Mashed Potatoes?
Me: oh you think he liked eating mashed pototoes?
Mini Fox: Yeah...

What’s Daddy’s favorite food? 
Mini Fox: Steak
Me: Anything else?
Mini Fox: Umm..Park with Mommy!

What does Daddy do at work? 
Mini Fox: at his work. 
Me: What do you think he does? 
Mini Fox: He throws down there..

What is your favorite memory of Daddy? 
Um...go to ticket store to buy tickets...and go on the rides and on Chuck E. Cheese.

Go check out what she says at 1:44, it's super cute, I asked her if she had anything else to say.

Linking up here

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Picture Perfect Project: May

So excited to be back linking up with  WhitneyCourtneyBeth  and  Elizabeth,  Stephanie  and  Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project.

Our Pretty Little Girls

I'm so happy that I've been participating in this link up each month. I know it's going to help me make our family calendar at the end of the year so much easier to make! Last year was super hard to find pictures I wanted to this year I've been deliberately taking pictures each month to use in the calendar. This month is Mother's Day, so of course I was going to do a Mommy and kids shoot. We did this after church on Sunday, found some pretty flowers and snapped away. We take so many pictures in our backyard I wanted a different background for May. Of course only one picture turned out, semi-okay, but you know what? That's life...and I'm okay with that.

 Linking up here

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Picture Perfect Project: April

So excited to be back linking up with  WhitneyCourtneyBeth  and  Elizabeth,  Stephanie  and  Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project.

Our Pretty Little Girls 

I didn't think we were going to get any photos this month. I am trying to take an intential photo that we're going to use for our yearly calendar for the grandparents. Last year was a disaster trying to find THE photo to put each month. So this year, I thought I would use the Picture Perfect Project to help me get organized so I'm not scrambling to find pictures. We were supposed to go on Saturday with some friends to the Flower Fields, I thought, perfect, I can use them for the TPPP. But then they canceled and wanted to reschedule...I thought NOOOOOOO!!! Then it turned out that it was suppose to rain all day Saturday, so that worked out...until no rain Saturday night I said screw this, we're getting those pictures! I need a blog post for Thursday. Muddy fields or not...So happy we went, the weather was perfect, wasn't too hot and I got some great pictures! 


Funny how they happen to be in the same pose

I need help choosing which picture to use for the yearly calendar! Help me by picking your favorite.


But this one is just too cute.


So is this one with the ocean in the background.


This was the point where meltdowns were happening... and milk shakes were being offered.


Had to get a picture on the tractor...


And of course a family shot. We obviously had to have someone else take them, the first people we had, took the pictures of 60% seriously? These were much better! The background almost looks fake. But I assure you it's real.


And one last one...The flower fields in Carlsbad were just so pretty. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend going. The season is short, from March 1 through Mother's Day weekend, but so worth your time. We spent about 2 hours there, and didn't get to do everything. Granted a lot of it was taking 500 pictures...okay not that many but I'm sure the kids sure felt like that, that milk shake was definitely earned.

One last thing...I'd like to point out we got our money worth out of this dress (when I say we, I really mean my parents) she is wearing it exactly a year ago.

So which one would you chose for the calendar?

P.S. The last time we went Baby Fox was 16 months old.


Linking up here

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Picture Perfect: March

Back linking up with WhitneyCourtneyBeth and Elizabeth, Stephanie and Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project.

Our Pretty Little Girls

As you know I am trying to take intentional pictures for the yearly calendar I make for the grandparents. Click here for the previous two months. This month it's hard since St. Patrick's Day and Easter fall in the same month, so I might use the Easter picture for the April, because Easter is April 16th (my Dad's birthday), so that seems appropriate. We'll see. But for now, here's the picture I got for March. In full disclosure, Mr. took the pictures while I jumped around in the background like an idiot trying to get them to smile or do something/anything to smile. Team work right there.
And as soon as the pictures were done...they both asked to take a jump shot picture. It's blurry, but it's the cutest thing ever. Their smiles are just so big, they were having a blast jumping for me.
What pictures have you taken recently? Let's see them!

Linking up here

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Picture Perfect: February

Back linking up with WhitneyCourtneyBeth and Elizabeth, Stephanie and Desiree for another month of The Picture Perfect Project.

Our Pretty Little Girls

Last month I told you that I wanted to try and take deliberate pictures for our yearly calendar. I figured this month, no brainer, I'm going to do a V-day inspired I buy them some PJ's...and of course the subjects are too wiggly. What I think I am going to learn in the next 10 months, and my new goal is to get good at taking quick in focus shots. I can't tell you how blurry so many of the pictures I tried to take were. Arg...I tried auto focus, then I tried manual. I think my new goal is to stop using auto and start using manual and getting proficient at it. I'll keep you posted. So here are the few goods ones that I got...there may or may not have been a LOT of bribing going on. 

So which one would you chose out of these to go into your yearly calendar...I like all of them actually in their own ways...comment down below and the most vote wins! I won't even try to get more photos, pinky swear.






Amanda, for Thinking Out Loud, Vanessa and Penny for Thinking out Loud, LuliaStephanie and Sarah for The Ladies Collective, Annie and Natalie for Thoughts for Thursday, Joey and Kristin for Stuff and Things and Michelle for Party at My Place

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Picture Perfect Project

Some of the bloggers I follow (Whitney, Courtney, Beth and Elizabeth) are doing a photo challenge, looking forward to getting to know Stephanie and Desiree

Our Pretty Little Girls

Last year I while making our yearly calendar, I realized that the picture I put as the main picture was a little hard to pick out. Before I would intentionally take pictures for the calendar, like this:

But last year I slacked and thought, of course there will be a cute picture, but in a world of iPhones it was super hard (before this past year,  I didn't have an iPhone, so every photo I took was with a real camera. So I was more intentionally with my photos.) Since getting my iPhone I take way more pictures on it than my real camera. This challenge is perfect, will get me my month calendar photo and gets me to use my real camera.

I totally forgot about the challenge until last I was short on time. So of course I took this with my iPhone, but you know what, I knew that this was potential for THE calendar, so I was more intentional about when I took it, that's all that counts right?

Next month I will try to be better and think of a good picture for Valentine's day....until then! Thanks girls for getting me to take better pictures.

p.s. In case you were wondering I've done two years of daily photos...I'm done doing that for now. One year I would like to take a photo a day of each kids face and then do a fast forward type video of them growing up over the year, that would be cool.

Don't forget to enter to win $250 Paypal Cash! I know it's not 1.4 Billion, but what would you do with the winnings?

Also linking up with Amanda, for Thinking Out Loud, Vanessa and Penny for Thinking out Loud, LuliaStephanie and Sarah for The Ladies Collective, Annie and Natalie for Thoughts for Thursday and Joey and Kristin for Stuff and Things