Showing posts with label Show and Tell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Show and Tell. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My Reverse Bucket List

It's another Show and Tell Tuesday with Andrea, this time the topic is reverse bucket list, when we share the things that were on a bucket list but are no longer on the list. Fun!

I think my first one would definitely be skydiving! I didn't know I wanted to sky dive until my dad asked me if I wanted to go with him, sure why not? You can see the Vlog I did that day here.

Twirling our way down.

Coming in for a landing

Back before kids, Mr. said that before we had kids we wanted to take a vacation to Italy, which we did. We went with another couple and had the time of our lives! We did so much, but still wanted to do more. I hope that one day we can get back there, but for now, so glad that we got to go on one last big trip before the kids came.

Throwing coins in Trevi Fountain.

I actually took this picture, looks like a post card right?!
Is it okay to write have kids? It was on my bucket list at one point in my life and now I have two beautiful children. So lucky to call these kids mine, they are one of the best things to happen to me. They keep me on my toes, test my patience and show what unconditional love feels like.

Riding horseback in Bora Bora on a private island tour (unfortunately they no longer do this).

Scuba Diving in the Caribbean, you don't even need to be certified, ask for a resort dive, you only go down 40-50 meters so if something happens, you could ultimately swim to the surface. We've done it a couple of times now, and every time has been fun.

So what are some of the reverse bucket list items you've done? Something that I need to add to mine?

Linking up here

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Struggle Is Real

It's another Show and Tell Tuesday with Andrea, today's topic is The Struggle is Real. So many ways to take this. I'm always interested in how other people take this topic. Today I'm going to get real with you.

I hate bath time with a passion. I am the worst mother when it comes to bath time, why don't they ever listen to me?

Seriously, Baby Fox will not eat pizza, what is wrong with this kid? Especially when I get coupons like this. Man I have a week to use this...panic!

I own a house with a pool, yet I don't like being cold, hence I don't want to go in.

I can't wear pants to the gym, so I have to wear shorts, but the wedge-y situation is out of control...doing burpees forget about it.

Losing those last 5 pounds is super hard, especially when you just want to eat all of the donuts and ice cream.

Waking up at 4:15am sucks, why can't I just be rich and not have to work?

Need to go to Target to get a birthday gift...see you $100 later.

Okay I just dished, now you dish something.

Linking up here

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Favorite Grown Up Parties

Back again linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell, this time we're talking about throwing grown up parties. Honestly I haven't thrown much of those...because kids... but I do love me a good party. I actually did a post on how to throw a party,you can find that here. Sometimes knowing where to start can be I break it down in 5 steps. Easy, peasy.

A few years ago my sister turned 40 so I threw her a surprise party, which didn't turn out to be a surprise because she's nosy and always has to know everything and didn't want the surprise part. But in any case, we threw her a Fiesta party because why not? Hired a taco guy, and I made a bazillion tissue paper flowers.

I found colored buckets and made small arrangements in them. They turned out super cute for center pieces.

No fiesta party is compelte without a taco guy right? If you re in the LA area, give this guy a call, he was amazing, and had the BEST he brought a ton of condiments to put on it, so we didn't have to get anything else!

If you re in the LA area, give this guy a call, he was amazing, and had the BEST he brought a ton of condiments to put on it, so we didn't have to get anything else!

For all of the details, click here.

The other grown up party I threw was a Tiffany's themed one. It was super fun, and again I made something with tissue paper, but this time they were those pom poms...super easy and much cheaper to make than buying the Martha Stewart ones. Speaking of which I should update that one...those pictures in that post are pretty awful. It was one of my first posts, and clearly I had no idea what I was doing. Amazing how far I have come since then.

These are my favorite pictures from that shower. I love that the center pieces are so simple but really fit the theme.

And such a cute drink table.

Putting food on different levels makes it look fancy...and that's what we're all about right? We found random boxes to put under each thing.

Click here to see the full details of the Tiffany's Themed Bridal Shower.
Linking up here

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My Top 5 Pictures

Back again linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell, this time we're showing our top 5 photos...or 10 or however many if we can't decide. I think I'm going to do my top 5 before Mini Fox, and then My Top five as a family of 4, it's just too hard to choose!

| ONE |

With our 12 year anniversary coming up, I can't help but remember our wedding, and my favorite photo taken that day.

| TWO |

I could have chosen our first photo of us as a family of 3, but nope, this one takes the cake. I can't help but laugh every time I see it. Baby Fox had issues with food and not wanting to eat it. When we tried food at 6 months, we tried everything. He had so many food faces that he made while trying new food. This is him trying carrots for the first time. I basically had the camera in one hand and food in the other and hit the shutter button at the same time I fed him the food. I didn't realize how awesome it turned out until I downloaded them.

P.S. He had so many food faces we made a whole book of them. For example:

Did even want to try this...pushing our hand away, lol.


This is a runner up, but couldn't help but add it. My grandfather had just passed away and we were gathering after the funeral at my parents house and Baby Fox just knew that she was feeling sad and gave grandma a big wet slobbery kiss, which up until this point he had never done before. He gave her several kisses and it just made my grandma's heart sore knowing that it was his first kiss and that Grandpa was probably making it all happen.


There is just something about the way they are looking at each other that melts this Mama heart.

|  FOUR |

| FIVE |

My last picture with Baby Fox before I gave birth to Mini Fox. This was probably 3 hours before Mini Fox came, it was a whirl wind of a birth and the very next day he was a big brother.

Now onto pictures after Mini Fox was born:

| ONE |

Our first picture as a family of four. Baby Fox was so enamored with his baby sister and immediately asked if we could take her home that minute. And he's been smitten every since.

| TWO |

Mini Fox was not in a smiling mood this day, but I just love the pure look of joy on Baby Fox's face. We may or may not be doing some beach pictures again this year.

 | THREE |

The love these two share is unbelievable. I love their relationship, and can only hope that it continues as they get older.

| FOUR |

Our very first airplane ride family vacation and it could not have gone any better! The kids did great and had a blast and are continually are asking when we can go back.


| FIVE |

I know we used a different photo for our Christmas Card this year, but this picture was my favorite. The photographer told me and Mr. to kiss, and this is what the kids did...I just melted when I saw this picture.  It's a little blurry, but I don't care, it is just too cute and I love everything about it.

Okay so that was 10 11, but I couldn't help myself. I realize now looking back at them that they might not be the best pictures or photography out there, but the meaning behind them makes them so special to me.  Hope you didn't mind!

Linking up here

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Vacation

Hi Foxy Friends! I'm somewhat recovered from the weekend...not really, but let's pretend that I am. We were so busy that even grocery shopping didn't get done...that's all I have to say about that. Fear not I went after work yesterday with the times.

Today I'm linking up with Andrea for her Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Vacation. I've talked about this before, here (my top 5 vacations without kids), here (my all time favorite vacation with and without kids) and here (our Tahoe Trip with the kids) but since I have a lot of new readers I thought I would go down memory lane and talk about them again and add in some new ones we've done since.

I find that each vacation is my favorite for different reasons. Driving up and down the East Coast, Traveling Europe, Camping trips, but hands down my favorite vacation of all time was our Honeymoon. Mr. surprised me with our honeymoon, it was almost 3 weeks of the best vacation ever!
We didn't live together before we got married, so this was the first time that we were together 24/7 for an extended amount of time, our honeymoon was 18 days, and that's 16 more days together then we had ever previously done. And guess what, we didn't fight once and we were excited and wanted to spend even more time together after we got back. Match made in heaven right?

We flew into Tahiti and actually stayed in a hotel for about 8 hours before leaving to catch our plane to Moorea.

The next day we caught our plane to Moorea (about a 45 minute trip)...and yep that's our boarding pass, it's laminated and reusable...

The lobby at the Pearl Resort in Moorea

The pool area at this hotel, I happen to take the picture when they were doing water aerobics.

Yep that's the pool and then the ocean, cool right?
They decorated the place for us. Every night we got a new flower decoration.

We did a lot of snorkeling.

We took a day trip to swim with sting rays, sharks and turtles...
The reason I'm always wearing shirts in the pictures is because I am allergic to SPF, so I try to cover up when I can

Yep we actually took this pictures, they set out a set of buoys with some rope between them, and then told the sharks to stay on that side of the rope...not even joking. I figured I could swim faster then the lady over there, so I was okay.

We took a bike ride and found the coolest ice cream cone. Double scoop...but it's side by side, crazy right? But totally makes sense if you ask me.

Onto the next part of the trip, Bora Bora!

Another plane, but this time it's a bigger plane, phew. It was about a 3 hour plane trip.

Bora Bora is made up of lots of little islands, the airport is on it's own island and then each hotel has it's own island too, so you take a boat everywhere. We stayed at another Pearl Resort.

The Lobby

We did a lot of laying out and reading...

We switched rooms after a few days to an over the water hut.

Outside the back door

Kayaking just outside of our hut...we went out to where the waves were breaking. This was on our way back, I wish we had gotten some pictures of where we went, it was pretty cool to see people surfing in what seemed like the middle of the ocean.
We went on a horseback riding tour, the owner, Olevia, gave us a great tour of Bora Bora too. Since our hotel was exactly on the opposite side of where we were going, he took us one way there, and the other way to complete the circle home. It was great.
That's where we were staying behind us

We did a lot of this too

We each had our own bucket of ice to put our drinks when we weren't drinking them, since it was so hot, our drinks would warm up in 2 seconds if we didn't

We figured we were on our honeymoon, let's take a helicopter ride too.

Not our hotel, this is the Four Seasons they were building and was to open, I think later that year
Back on another plane and back to the very first hotel we stayed at in Tahiti for 8 hours. This time we stayed for 3 days. The view from the lobby.

We went to this restaurant, and it was a super scary drive, but the view was worth it, too bad I didn't get a picture, darn.

Everyday they had feeding the sting rays, of course we're going to do that.

We also took surf lessons, super hard! I can't find the picture, and not even sure if we took one, boo!

If you want more pictures of the horseback riding, pictures of the inside of our rooms we stayed in, click here.

Now that the kids are getting a little older, we are really excited to start exploring and traveling more with them. We are headed out to Lake Arrowhead in a few weeks with some friends, that should be fun, and we are potentially going to head to somewhere tropical at the end of the year! Really hoping it works out!

So what is your favorite vacation?

Linking up here