Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blue Elmo

Thanks You Shanna for sharing the silence and support and I believe after searching around Neely is the one who thought this up with some friends help, goes to show what a great blogging community there is and how fast something can spread if we really want to.

  • Baby Fox thinks Cookie Monster's name is Blue Elmo - Funniest thing ever! Yes Baby Fox you are correct that is a Blue Elmo, good work on your shape and color recognition. Something is sinking in, those flash cards are working! Why did my almost 2 year see this and I never did?
  • Happy 42nd Anniversary to my parents!  Once when I was a small chap, I went and separately asked my mom a set of questions and then asked my dad, all of their answers were EXACTLY the same. I don't remember the questions, but I do remember being blown away that they had the same exact answers. I only hope that when Baby Fox asks Mr. and me questions we answer the same exact way.

  • Transitioning from no window treatments to window treatments is weird. For example I leave for work at an abnormally early time, Mr. is almost always still sleeping, therefore I tip-toe to the bathroom close the door and then turn on the lights. Then when I leave I turn off the lights and try to tip-toe to the door, which is halfway across the room. Now this didn't used to be a problem because enough moonlight would come in through the windows and allow me to see the door. This morning however, I ran into the wall, literally walked right into it. In my defense it's a small wall that jets out (like 18 inches or so), so when the door is completely open you can't even see the wall. I think I need to channel my inner toddler and get a night light.
  • After watching Gossip Girl through the good times and bad times I stayed up way too late on Monday to discover who GG was on the night of,  I knew if I didn't I would just read about it and then the surprise would be ruined. Despite what everyone is saying, I liked who it was (I won't spoil the fun, just incase you haven't watched it yet, or didn't read the tabloids). I thought the episode was good, but I'm a sucker for happy endings, but when the reveal finally happened, I almost missed it. Mr. was talking to me and I said, wait, I think I just missed the reveal! I don't care about inconsistencies, seriously people just enjoy the show for what it is and move on with your life.
  • I can't believe I'm going to have a 2 year old in 6 days! Where does the time go?!

He's about a week and a half old in these pictures

And now, he's swimming and jumping into the pool...

I think Mr. and Baby Fox should join the circus, what an act!

Linking up with Shanna at Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday