Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekend Recap Fail

I have to show you guys what I made last week:
These shrimps, first time BBQ'ing them, and it really stepped it up a notch, like you need to go try them today! Perfect Lent Friday meal.

I made artichokes for the first time too, SUPER easy and extra delicious, why did it take me so long to make them?

We introduced the jumperoo to Mini Fox

Baby = Mind blown

To say that she loved it would be an understatement, she cried when we took her out of it, love that we're getting more use out of this toy, Baby Fox also loved it and was still using it as an almost 2 year old! 

He's too tall in it, but would

rock back and forth in it, I"m surprised he didn't break it, good thing cause his sister really does love it

Saturday Morning we went to Up in the Air festival, basically anything that goes in the air, they had RC helicopters and planes, BMX bikers and Frisbee catching dogs.

Watching the airplanes

Didn't get a picture of the planes, but did get a picture of a flying cool is that?

Watching the Pro BMX bikers, Baby Fox said when we were leaving "they were really impressive"

I'm not even lying, those are the words that came out of his mouth, apparently Mr. and I use the word impressive enough that Baby Fox uses it now too.

Mini Fox wasn't too impressed, fyi: Mr. dressed her, head bow and all

Then came the BMX bikers...see that lady?

Yea that really did happen - It was impressive

The rest of the weekend? I totally spaced and didn't take any more pictures. This whole, I lost my camera thing really isn't working for me. I don't carry my big DSLR camera everywhere I go, and I don't have a phone that takes pictures. I can only ask Mr. for his phone so many times before I start feeling guilty. Good news though, I might get Mr.'s old iPhone soon, we'll see how things work out, keeping fingers crossed!

I'll recap: Watched the new Hunger Games movie with my mom and Mr. - movie night!  Went to Church, worked on a free Shutterfly book (Shutterfly randomly sends me free books, do they do that to you too?), went to a friends house for dinner where I ate way too much and still feel bloated from it.

This girl, has been sleeping slightly better, oh yea!

How was your weekend? What did you do? Send me your links!

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Heather 
Also linking up with Carly and Molly