Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: My Yard

Linking up with Andrea for another Show and Tell Tuesday. Today's topic is My Yard...I've shown you the before pictures of our yard, it was pretty nuts.  We were dealing with things like this:

Front Yard

Part of the Back Yard
Back in May of 2012 we decided to do a backyard reno. Actually that's not totally true, we really decided in January and it took us 5 months to make any decisions. That's the truth.

So this part is going to be really picture heavy, as I feel pictures are best describe what we went through to get our backyard. The first few days are when you saw the biggest differences.










The pallets of pavers they sent to our house, and there are 6 more not in this picture, crazy right?!


Coping around the pool! Plus some pavers!

Tile in the pool!



And the moment you've all been waiting for.

Sidenote: These were taken a few days ago, So almost three years after our reno, so the plants have had some time to grow. I did not attempt to clean up the kid toys, this is life right?

The table and chairs were given to us by my parents when they moved out by us, as they did not have any room for it. Lucky for us right? And that umbrella is the same shape as the table and pretty awesome!

In case you were wondering about the pool gate thing. We decided since the pool is so close to our house, that we would gate in the door, that way the kids can play in that little area if they wanted to.

Standing in the backyard looking towards the front of the house (the "right side" of the yard in all of those pictures up there). Can you tell the kids like to play in the dirt right here, it's the perfect height for them, they move the dirt from one area to another. We had no idea this would become such a popular area when we built it.

Again the table and chairs are from my parents house, lucky us right?

This fountain is just across from the table and chairs. The Jasmine vines behind there are so pretty when they are in bloom.

Baby Fox has a rock collection and he keeps them in here so the gardeners don't throw them away like they did last time. We do not keep water in the fountains as it's too much to take care of. We usually fill it up if we're having a party.

Same area looking towards the backyard.

Now onto the front yard. We haven't really done much work out here, other then let the plants grow on their own.

Cleans up nice right?

We have some beautiful rose bushes in our front yard, they line our property and our neighbors.

The other side, some more rose bushes.

We just bought those bulbs at Costco and planted them here, we had NO IDEA that they would be so massive, and so darn pretty.

Another fountain we don't keep filled.

This Japanese Maple tree is my absolutely favorite tree. The colors on it are gorgeous all year round.

And there you have it, our front and back yard. We put the pool cover on the pool on Sunday, so now there is that there. Usually we have to keep it on the pool till August or so when it's warm enough at night and hot enough during the day to keep the pool nice and warm, around 83°-88°.

Also linking up with Jasmine, Tuesday Talk and Mommy Moments