Day 10
I pretty much followed the challenge outfit exactly, except most people are wearing long sleeves at this point, but I LOVE this shirt I got from H&M (wish I could find it online).
Day 11
Still absolutely loving this plaid dress* I wish it came in other patterns, it does come in another color, but it's not really me. I need more patterns in this style dress, hear me Old Navy?!
I wasn't sure if I would like the tights with the leopard shoes, but you know what I think it works, I think it might look a little better if they were my leopard wedges though.
Day 12
I adore this blazer. I actually found it on my very first challenge way back when, just never had the guts to wear it until recently. Now I'm all about it and want to wear it everyday...that it's not 90°+, as soon as it turns 80° I'm all over it.
I also tried with the jacket unbuttoned, I think I like it better buttoned up though, what do you think?
Love this statement necklace with it and I really think it ties the outfit together.
Day 13
My burgundy pants are back from the tailors and they fit like a glove and are SOOO comfy! I forgot how comfy they were. Paired with my favorite polka dot top and a scarf, loving this simple and easy outfit.
Day 14
This day called for a grey cable knit sweater, but since I don't have one, I picked out this purple one instead. Seeing all of these outfits is getting me excited for Fall weather.
Day 15
Again I had to stray because I don't have a blush blouse. Does anyone have one they can recommend? I really want one but the ones I am finding are from websites that I've never ordered from, and I really don't like ordering from online only places. So I picked out this polka dot and striped shirt.
Don't see the polka dots? Look a little closer...sneaky right? As soon as I saw it last year I knew I had to have it!
Last outfit totally classic right? Jeans, white button down, blazer...perfection in my book. One of my favorites from this week. What was your favorite?
Are you participating in the Fall Challenge? Send me some pictures!
Previous Challenge Outfits:
*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase an item - I may receive a small commission. THANK YOU!Also linking up with Tucker Up, Because Shanna Said So, On Trend Tuesday, Cappuccino and Fashion, Sydney Fashion Hunter, Pampers and Pearls, Happiness at Mid Life, The Pleated Poppy,Shopping My Closet, Get Your Pretty On, Let It Shine, More Pieces of Me, Pumps and Push-Ups, A Lovely Little Wardrobe