Friday, December 4, 2015

Blogger Year in Review Pt. 1

Happy Friday!

Before I begin my post, head on over to The Blended Blog, it's my turn to be featured!

Today I'm linking up with Beth and company for a year end link up review. Sharing your top of anything from the year, Top 5 Posts, Top 5 bloggers you followed this year, Top 5 Blog posts of other people you think we should read, the list is endless. They are doing this link up for the next three week. So I'm sitting trying to rack my mind of what I want to write about. Not sure how many weeks I'll participate...but here goes nothing...

At first I thought, maybe the top 5 new blogs I started following this year. But then I thought, you know what, this blog is called Foxy's Domestic I thought I would do my top 5 domestic things I did this year.

How to Make a Tissue Paper wreath. I really thought this would take over 200 sheets of tissue paper, so I bought a LOT, and it only took 35. So I have about 500 sheets left over...oops! Click here for the tutorial.
I also made a quick little video on it.


I really loved my 5 Step To throwing an Awesome Party. Let me summarize for you:
1) Chose guest of honor, chose a theme
2) Start with Birthday sign, that sets the rest of the decorations.
3) Buy/Make things according to your theme
4) Food, I try to pick food according to the theme.
5) Set up everything before the party, even put out platter with notes of what food is going where, then on party day it's easier to direct people helping you.

For Baby Fox's 4.5 birthday party, I made a cityscape. I made a tutorial here. Was much easier than it looks, mostly because all of the squares I had to cut out was done by my Cricut.

For Valentine's Day this year I made some Super Hero Valentine's for all of Baby Fox's friends. Really easy, and the kids LOVED it.


The last one I'm not sure totally qualifies, but I did work on it with my mom. I'm really proud of my mom's decorating series that I've started here and on The Blended Blog. So far we've done, How to decorate your mantel,

How to create a tablescape

and the latest one is how to decorate your Christmas tree.

Stop by to see one of her tutorials! I had so much fun doing these little projects with my mom. I hope to have many more next year! Anything you guys would like to see? Just let me know down in the comments!

Linking up with ErikaAndrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites, September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday! April and the girls for Five on Friday, and Jennie for Friday Favorites